The Kids sang this song in their program. Our theme was " Great Places in America". It turned out really cute and the kids did a great job. We were all tired and glad when it was done though. Emily and Kara dressed like pioneers since they were doing there report on Sutter's Mill and the California Gold Rush. They made those dresses themselves and were very proud of them. Lindsay is standing next to Emily acting nervous though she loves to sing. Kids do wierd things in front of an audience sometimes.:) I may post some more on this, but it takes forever to upload videos so we will see how dedicated I am.
School is done for the day and I am getting ready to make supper for the troops. I didn't have my 2 babies and have gotten a lot of laundry caught up today. That is always a blessing! Jeff has worked a lot of hours this week, but will be coming homing early or atleast ontime tonight. So that will be nice!
Will talk later. Trisha